วันเสาร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556


Hippie Lifestyles .

The families of bohemians and hippies lived in bourgeois comfort, with money enough for food, nice clothing, and a few luxuries. However, bohemians and hippies often gave up this comfortable lifestyle to live in poverty, exploring themselves and the world around them. Bohemians in the Latin Quarter of Paris, and hippies in the Height-Ash-bury neighborhood of San Francisco all lived together, sharing ideas and cultivating distinct counter-cultures.

อ้างอิงจาก : www.hipplanet.com

วันอังคารที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Hippies & Drugs

"But I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned."
                               Bob Dylan (Rainy Day Women nos. 12 & 35)

In the 1960s the hippies, en masse, undertook the largest uncontrolled experiment with drug use in the history of mankind. In those days it wasn't unusual to be handed a pill, and swallow it with the only instruction "You'll dig it, it's groovy." You trusted your fellow hippy and you wanted to get high and have a new experience. This was freedom. This was rebellion. This was cool. We discovered that Pandora's stash box was full of drugs!

 John Lennon - While John Lennon might have considered himself foremost an artist and musician, he nevertheless met the criteria of a shaman in today's society. His great influence among young people was due to his charisma and talent. Lennon's experiences with psychedelics, particularly LSD, changed his view of the world and the way he expressed himself through his music. Not only did he become more experimental and inventive, but his lyrics took on an otherworldly nature. His songs inspired countless thousands to open their minds and experiment with psychedelics. Some of his tunes were actually composed and recorded under the influence of LSD. John was a tireless promoter of the hippy/shamanic message of peace, love and understanding. His message reached the far corners of the planet. 

War on Drugs

 An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.

Mahatma Gandhi

In my opinion, the real reason for the War on Drugs, and the particular emphasis on marijuana is that it is a way to control freethinking individuals. This works by either denying access to mind-liberating substances, or by imprisoning those who use them. Just as the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover maintained a list of subversive enemies of the state, today's enemy list includes anyone who uses (not necessarily abuses) drugs that are not beatified by our medical/industrial/political machine.
If they can't control our minds, they must control our bodies, thus prisons multiply. They fear a loss of control over the workforce, the primary consumers, the taxpayers, and their political constituents. For if we stop obeying our masters, it's tantamount to a slave rebellion. That is all we are, slaves working for the next dollar. We are no longer individuals with freedom to delve beyond the system's programmed parameters.
This threat is real, since the system offers no alternatives. You're either on the bus or you're one of them. If you happen to be one of the 700,000 American Citizens who get arrested for a marijuana offense each year, you know which side you're on. Likewise, if you're one of the millions who live in fear that one day your illegal toke will get you busted or fired, paranoia is your constant companion.

อ้างอิงจาก : www.hipplanet.com